Witch Hazel
Chapter 5 part 10

“Care to tell me why you decided to get married?” Leonardo asked his brother, tone unnervingly calm. “To that awful Goth woman, of all people.”
“I like her,” Diego had tensed despite himself. “I’m allowed to get married if I want to.”
“Have you turned her?”
“No, you know that’s against the rules now. Berenguer would have my head off,” Diego said. “Lucky you met yours before he came up with that.”
“Do you want to turn her?” Leo pressed.
“Well… not really,” Diego admitted. “I think about what she’d be like as a wolf from time to time but it’s mostly terrifying so I put it out of mind again.”
“If you don’t want to turn her, how do you know she’s the right one? Your wolf would want her to be permanently his if she felt right,” Leonardo countered. He refused to be taken off topic by even one of Diego’s odd comments. “So I repeat myself, why did you get married?”